February 5, 2021

Curriculum Vitae

China Migrant Worker in Indonesia

   Talking about migrant, migrant is a person who with their own will choose to leave their home country and go to another country in terms to have a better life in new country. In this occasion i will talking about migrant but not excactly about migrant. I will talk about migrant worker especially in Indonesia. Migrant worker has many terms in country over the world. United Nation has many definition to about migrant worker, one of them is people who working outside of their home country. International Labour Orginzation make a ada about the estimation of migrant worker all over the world and in this data we now know that just in 2014 there are 232 million international migrant or migrant worker that spread all over the world. It interested to talk abaou migrant because migrant is a matter that we know they are around us but we didn't care about them. We think that migrant are little thing that didn,t have effect to our country. But that is a wrong idea about migrant worker. Migrant worker have effect to our country very much. With the arrival of these migrant worker can have effect to chance of getting a job in our own people. This thing have a both positive and negative impact. In one side with the arrival of migrant worker who has more experience and skill can make our people have a urge to compete with these migrant worker and improve to getting a job. In another side with the arrival of the migrant worker can decrease our people to have a job in their home country.

    In International Relation major itself, migrant worker are the topic that commonly discussed by diciple. In International Relation migrant worker can be discussed in three way that is in term of security, term of economic and the term of culture. In the term of security, with the arrival of migrant worker can be a threat to the country. This threat has been occur in Europe when migrant from Middle East who migrate to Europe turned out to be involved withe terorism act. The example is terorism act in France and Belgium. After the authority is having an investigation, the terorist came from migrant. So with this example migrant worker can be a threat within our security. In economic view the uncontrolled influx of migrant worker have a bad impact to our economic. All job in this country has owned by migrant and our people din,t have chance to work in their country. But like I tell in last paragraph, migrant worker have a good impact to because with arrival of migrant worker escalate the competition in seeking job in our country so people compete to improve in term to get a better job and a better life. In culture view, migrant worker that are work in another country can take their culture to their new country and asimilate with the local culture so the harmony can be made. We can learn many culture too so that a good point to have migrant worker in our country.

    In Indonesia itself migrant worker are needed by many company to work in their factory. This matter have brought a new concern inside the country. Like local newspaper JawaPos said in many occasion in this month, the arrival of migrant worker especially from China has become uncontroll and in the future this thing can emerge as a new problem for Indonesia. Like I said before the uncontrolled influx of migrant worker can be bad impact for domestic economy especially to our people. Now our people have limited jobs to be take because of uncontroll migrant worker. Local newspaper JawaPos said that even the porter in factory are imported from China. This grave situation must be solved immidiately by government because this is not a little matter we face right now.

    I agree with this issue. In my opinion this matter is a serious matter for this country because the contuinity of our own people are in danger. Government must immidiately dealt this matter and come with a win-win solution for migrant worker who seek a better life here in Indonesia and for our own people too. Company must make a policy to prioritize local worker more than migrant worker because local people prosperity are more important. The influx of migrant worker must be control by government to make sure that migrant worker that come to Indonesia have an offical letter of permission to work in Indonesia and the migrant worker that are came must be still in quota that determined by government. With this act I hope our domestic economy can be built again from scratch and from our own people and we can grow into big nation that have a nig impact in Southeast Asia even in Asia itself!

Vincentius Garin Wiratama (2017)

August 14, 2020


A fresh graduating majoring in International Relations who is looking for new working experiences in all fields. A person who have strong leadership, communicationa skills, teamwork abilities, organization experiences, and strong data analysis to be able to tackle given task in maximum extent posible. I'm always open for new learning experiences to increase knowloedge and share it at work. Fluent in appropriate English and Indonesian. Hard work and discipline is a trait that I always apply in everything I do.

I'm hopping to get as many experiences in my new workplace and be the valuable assets for anyone!

Undergraduate Thesis



Vincentius Garin Wiratama

University of Brawijaya - International Relations


            Terrorism is a form of crime that gives many losses such as casualties, economic losses, and also the effects of trauma to the victims. The United States was not free from the threat of terrorism with the 9/11 terrorist acts in 2001 carried out by al-Qaeda extremist groups. After 9/11, the United States adopted policies related to handling and combating terrorism, one of which was to establish cooperation with Pakistan as one of the strategic partners of the United States in the South Asian region. However, the cooperation between the two countries did not go well marked by several diplomatic cases that occurred between the two countries. In the end, the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump took the bold step to suspend the Coalition Support Funds (CSF) which was a US military aid fund to Pakistan in 2018. The issuance of this policy by President Trump made the relations tenuous between the two countries and also endanger the continuation of U.S. operations to combating terrorism.


Keywords  : policy analysis, Coalition Support Funds, the United States, Pakistan, terrorism, polyheuristic theory.

March 28, 2017

Need Assessment

Dalam tugas kali ini saya mewawancari seorang pekerja di Bank BCA yg biasa dipanggil Mas Yo (27). Ketika ditanya perihal apa permasalahan Kota Malang yang paling penting dia menjawab tentang permasalahan ketidakteraturan warga di jalan raya. Mas Yo menjawab seperti ini karena pernah mendapatkan pengalaman kurang mengenakkan yaitu hampir terlibat kecelakaan akibat lalainya pengendara motor yang ada di jalan raya. Mas Yo juga mengatakan bahwa sebaiknya pihak kepolisian untuk menambah jumlah personel serta intensitas penjagaan di berbagai sudut kota. Hal ini supaya para pengendara bertindak lebih tertib ketika berkendara.
Dari hal ini dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa terdapat masalah yaitu:
1. Pengendara kendaraan bermotor seringkali lalai dan melanggar peraturan lalu lintas.
2. Pihak kepolisian dirasa kurang intensif dalam melakukan patroli.

Analisa Stakeholder:
1. Pemerintah Kota Malang
2. Pihak Kepolisian Kota Malang Bidang Lalu Lintas.